Middle Level
Boating in the East of England waterways
Middle Level Watermens' Club

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27th July 2024

The Easter Cruise 2022

With the blessing of fine weather over the four day bank holiday weekend, eight boats set out on the annual Easter cruise again this year organised by Alistair Chambers.

The plan on Good Friday was for three boats to head up to Salters Lode to inspect and stay over on the new moorings that have been installed. However having stopped off at Outwell Basin for some refreshment in the Crown it was decided to forego the five hour return trip to Salters Lode and enjoy fish and chips on the bank in the sunshine.

On Saturday the rest of the cruise joined company at Three Holes and a total of eight boat crews enjoyed the wall to wall sunshine and a bar b cue on the picnic area above the landing.

Relaxing at Three Holes

Sunday was a long haul from Three Holes along the Sixteen and Forty Foot rivers to High Lode in Ramsey to check out the splendid new moorings that have been installed. Once the landscaping is finally completed Ramsey Town Council have committed to install a water point and rubbish collection service.

The mooring received a very enthusiastic review from everyone after a long sixteen year campaign for the new facility. There was room for all eight boats to moor end on end and once some hoped for dredging is done it should be possible to breast up too.

A big thumbs up for the super new moorings installed at Ramsey.

There had been some concern about the state of the winding hole by the town outfall into the lode but it proved just about possible to swing David Venn’s sixty foot Daizy V but not without some considerable effort on David’s part removing and lifting fenders.

At 60 foot in length Daizy V just about swings at the Ramsey winding hole - some work needed!Finally volunteers hauling on ropes were able to force Daizy V through the tree roots and undergrowth that is now growing out from and weakening the brickwork around the outfall walls.


However we think that with some dredging around the edges of the winding hole to remove the silt and rubble that has fallen from the walls, the removal of the tree roots and undergrowth a sixty foot boat would be able to tuck into the corners and make a successful and unhindered swing.

Monday saw a leisurely return home via Benwick and of course the obligatory stop off at the Five Alls and everyone agreeing that a fine time had been enjoyed by all, leaving a little time to recover for the St George’s Day celebrations the following weekend.

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